
What do you see when you look at the sky?
You stop right there or try to go high?
Is there something beyond your blink?
Think humans think!

Why the grass green? Why the sky blue?
Perhaps is it just how we humans view?
Why the red is red and why the pink is pink?
Think humans think!

Why should we live and why should we die?
Whom should we ask to justify?
How far have we come and how much more to fly?
Think humans think!

If we are the sailors, where are we sailing?
If we are the chasers, what are we chasing?
What will we do when we reach the brink?
Think humans think!

Poem summary:

In the first stanza, author enters with shooting questions to the readers aiming to embark curiosity in their minds. She questions the readers for their thoughts about the vastness of the universe.

In the second stanza, the author puts the general characteristics of the world to readers attention and emphasizes on why the certain things are the way they are. The aim is to dive deep into these out of the Earth questions and we can only achieve this by diving deep inside oneself.  By taking the example of colors, the author wishes to express that it is our individual perspectives that make the things look a certain way.

The author introduces greater questions about life and death in the third stanza. She asks the readers to take a pause from their worldly cycles and think about the existence and journey of the mankind. By questioning, the author only wishes to spark up the lost curiosity in the readers.

The author in the last stanza, revolves around the common and underrated questions about the objective of mankind’s existence. It does not seem fair that no one has and seeks for this ultimate answer for where are we going as a whole. If we reach the edge of the land, if there is, what next?

7 thoughts on “Think.”

  1. It highlights the significance of individual perspectives in shaping our understanding of the world so well.

  2. Why should we live and why should we die?
    Whom should we ask to justify?
    How far have we come and how much more to fly?

    Blew it , literally
    Gonna be think about that.

  3. Indeed a beautiful poem! i liked the last part of the poem where author described an example by illustrating sailor as a human who’s experiencing real life events and what’ll it led to human’s life by writing “where are we sailing”,”Where are we chasing”.

  4. Dr. Heena Variya

    It reminds me the great quote by Socrates, ” The wisest is he who knows he knows nothing”, and also another quote,” I think therefore I exist, I think”

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