Dogs, The tokens of loyalty

Lucky are those, who come home to their awaiting dogs. How good it feels when those four little paws get so eager to play with you. Everyone who own a dog think that theirs’s is the best and none of them is wrong. I have been so much fond of dogs that when I hear the word loyalty, an image of dog reflects back in my mind.

Most of you all might be knowing that dogs possess a vision that is color blind,i.e., black and white. Its good that they are color blind. What I mean to say is, if you cuddle with a dog and just give it some food when you pass by, it will have a ton full of loyalty for you. So you become the white one. But if you do the opposite of what I mentioned above, you become a black one. So relatable!

I believe a dog bite to be lucky (until and unless that dog isn’t suffering from rabies). I find this to be completely unexplainanble. In Hindu religion, lord Indra has symbolized dogs to be a sign of loyalty. Loyal than any other species. Believe me, if you own a dog, you’ve got a companion to count on.

Very few of you might be aware of the phenomena of dogs sensing their death and if they consider you to be a white one for them (in previous mentioned context) they will want to play with you, will lick you and make you realise how much they love you or maybe, loved you. So if you have one, make sure you notice this and comfort him in his last days

“Dogs may just be a part of your life, but for them you are their whole life.”

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