From author’s notebook
Believing in the values of learning and growing, I began with Unscrambled Me and discovered that it is a meaningful addition to my dreams. It started back in 2018 and initially, it had me visualizing my dreams coming true.
I was into a lot of diary writing during my early teenage. I loved recording my daily chores into those diaries and I felt that they were actually talking to me. Upset and weary, I used to grab my diary, lock myself into a room and used to spill it all out in it. I carried way too much thoughts in my mind about things and people that I found the diary to be my only best friend.
Moreover, I didn’t have much of friends during my school time. Most of the people were busy forming gangs while others were busy showing off what did their parents get them for their 13th birthday. My habit of diary writing has always got me through this.
Out of nowhere, I caught this habit of rhyming sentences in my head. I started to feel about things, seasons, people, situations and myself a little more and every single day then seemed poetic. Standing on shore of Goa’s beaches, sitting near a window and hoping for rain or bidding a goodbye to my beloved family while leaving for hostel; everything encouraged a poetry in my mind. I started writing poems and shorts and posted them on social platforms.
Unscrambled Me was then created as my blog or we can say “a home to my thoughts”. I had a chance to reach the souls not only through social media but through my own blog. I never missed a chance to grab ideas for my articles and poetries. I was growing as a blogger but there came a time where no ideas struck my mind. All I used to think of was my grades and assignments. I was no more poetic back then. It was during the times when I did not score intended marks. I was only into studies for 3 months. Obviously, I scored good in the next semester but the author in me was lost.
My blog was in a sincere need of content. This is when my mom had called me and gave me a time boundary to make some content. I then went for cycling and did it till the blood accelerated in my veins. I came back to my hostel, gathered up my scattered thoughts and found the lost author in my head. This is how the poem “Unscrambled Me” made an appearance and its tagline was- “the tale of being lost and found”. I wrote this poem in an absolute silence but it speaks for my immeasurable thoughts.
My recent published article “Parenting” emerged out to be really satisfying. I’d got some honest opinions about my thoughts conveyed through that article and compliments regarding the idea of writing this. The readers enjoyed reading it and encouraged my work. Such type of interaction with my readers enthusiasts me to think more, write more and create more.
Unscrambled Me is not only about an author but also about the readers who connect. We are a growing as a team. As the author, I wish for my readers’ satisfaction and Unscrambled Me’s growth. As the tagline of my blog says it all- “Miles to go”.